Hey, there!
We are very excited to inform that we are going to host the first RoboCup Junior Soccer Simulation Competition in February 2021! It is a demo (not an official competition) organized by the Soccer TC and Soccer Simulation OC. The idea is that this demo serves as a trial for the official simulation competition to be held in June 2021.
Check the information below, talk to your team and submit your code!
Rules are based on the regular RoboCup Junior Soccer, adapted to the simulation environment. They available here:
https://github.com/RoboCupJuniorTC/soccer-rules-simulation/blob/master/rules.pdf -
Simulator: The soccer simulation competition will run on a Webots world that we are adapting to work with our rules and to accept code in Python 3. In the following GitHub page you will find instructions to download Webots, the soccer environment and run the code. Final adjustments are still being made, but you can already download everything and start coding!
https://github.com/RoboCupJuniorTC/webots-soccer-sim-playground -
Tutorial: We are also working on simple tutorial on how to program your team. I will post a link here as soon as it is ready.
Deadlines: The initial plan was to host the competition in January, but it took us more time than we anticipated to finalize the rules. So, we decided to push the competition to February to give you reasonable time to work on your code. The new deadlines are:
Registration: postponed to 26-01-2021 (it was 17 and then 20-01-2021)
Code submission: until 09-02-2021 (it was 31-01-2021)
Competition: mid or end February (to be confirmed)
Click here to fill in the registration form!
All links and competition date will be posted in this thread in the future. Stay tuned!
We wish you all Merry Christmas and happy coding!
RCJ Soccer TC and RCJ Soccer Simulation OC