#onstage-rules-2023 Rule Changes to Discuss

Dear OnStage Community,

Before our meeting on Friday (see here for details), I wanted to highlight the main changes for 2023 Rules that we would like to get your feedback on!

4.2 – Stage Performance

The duration of the performance routine must be no less than 1:30 minutes.

Each team will have a total of seven minutes on the stage. This time includes stage set-up, introduction, and performance routine, including any re-starts due to factors under the team’s control, and the time for packing up and clearing the stage.

When a team is asked to come onto the stage, a RoboCupJunior official will start the timer

Please note that there is no limit to the stage performance, only the time on stage. We hope this allows teams to create an enjoyable performance balancing setup, pack down and a whole, well-rounded performance.

4.7 Communication and Localization

Teams should prepare for disruptions in communication protocols and unavailability of Wifi (As outlined in the general rules) before and during the setup and stage time.

Any localization beacons or markers for a robot’s localization system should be placed within the confines of the stage

This was in response to many teams experiencing difficulties with their systems in competition venues.

4.9 Robot Autonomy and Interaction

During the performance, remote control of a robot is prohibited, including pressing buttons (including keyboards or phone applications) or similar interactions with touch-like sensors. Touch-like sensors are defined as passive sensors that have a logical single function dependent on human actions.

Humans directly influencing sensors to trigger the progression of the performance will not be rewarded highly.

Intelligent interaction should be used to dynamically alter the robot’s behavior. Robots that interact with their environment and respond accordingly will be highly rewarded. Natural human-robot interaction using sensors responding to human gestures, expressions, sound, or proximity is encouraged.

Robot autonomy and interaction is a particularly difficult concept for teams to understand. With the definition and clarification of the types of autonomy and interaction we hope teams are able to apply these suggestions in their projects.

5 OnStage Technical Interview

Teams should inform the judges if robotic components have featured in previous competitions. To gain marks, teams should be prepared to provide insight on how substantial changes have been made between competitions as evidence of the students’ continuing development of the technologies. Teams should specify how they are innovating their technologies and provide documentation to support their claims

With the addition of teams being able to reuse elements of their previous competitions, we ask for teams to clearly state what is innovative for the new competition and what has been reused/repurposed from past competitions. This is to ensure that students are learning and innovating from their past projects while being sustainable.

6.2 Technical Description Poster Previously Technical Description Paper

Each team is required to submit a Technical Description Poster by the deadline set by the OnStage Committee, which will be before the first performance during the RoboCupJunior competition. The purpose of the poster is to explain the technology used, particularly the four chosen features, as well as to showcase the robots’ software and hardware.

Posters should be made in an interesting and engaging format, as they will be viewed not only by the judges but also by other teams and visiting members of the public.

A new addition for 2023 - rather than teams spending hours writing about their projects for only the judges to read, we now ask that instead of creating a technical description paper, we ask for a poster. Teams who have previously been to an International competition would have seen past examples by other leagues. Some examples can be found here or here

Please share your thoughts here or online on Friday!


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