I’m using an OpenMV camera ( OpenMV Cam H7 Plus | OpenMV ) for Rescue Line competition which is programmed in MicroPython. I use it for detecting green dots on an intersection, for detecting the blue rescue kit on the line and for detecting victims in the evacuation zone.
For green dots and rescue kit I’m using the find_blobs() function, and for victims I’m using find_circles() function, which are both in the image library for OpenMV ().
I think these image library don’t have probrems.
If you will use these functions, your robot will not control automatically.
Your robot will find a green dots using the function, your robot have to judge in your program. which side of an intersection, in front of an intersection, etc…
So, You will be able to use the can and these libraries in the RoboCupJunior 2022 Bangkok.
I think it is important not only to find the shape of the circle using the library, but also to learn how the library judges the circle. We hope your team will explain the contents of the camera and library in an interview.