Soccer Entry Light Weight and Entry Standard Kit 2024 update #soccer-entry-rules-2024

Good suggestions. It is a must differentiate entry from lightweight entry. Will see what the committee decide. We need a draft as soon as possible.

Hi there,
Are there are( or were in the previous years ) any limitations on the micros to use or their frequency?

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Until this year only EV3 and NXT were allowed. But for this and the upcoming years all microcontrollers are allowed.

Maybe this rule will be rediscussed after the 2024 season, if we think it is necessary.

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#10 will we be allowed to use vision systems like PixyCam, Pixy2 or Nicla Vision?

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yes, all kinds of cameras are allowed, as long as they fit into the general space and weight constraints

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Is it allowed put 4 holonomic wheels on the robot for traction but using 2 motors?

yes, the limit is applied to motors, not wheels.

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When the draft rules will ready? Entry and lightweight entry? For us the first challenge will take place in March 2024. We need to know how to build new robots following so many new technical features. Is a road map for draft and final rules available? Thanks.

I would guess, the current draft rules can be used for developing your new robots.

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draft rules 2023 is obsolete, there is draft rules of 2024?

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Unfortunately not yet, the changes will be the ones we spoke about here though. We will try to get those rules out this month, my apologies for the delay.

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Thank you so much, David. This topic is well followed and full of interesting point a views. Looking forward waiting the draft.

I red time ago about a big issue during the last European championship in Croazia (Mr Kolaric told about it?). To avoid the “destruction” of the carpet caused by metallic or hard plastic wheels I suggest the mandatory use of rubber in the external part of the holonomic wheels as in the following two pictures:

draft rules 2023 is obsolete, there is draft rules of 2024?

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This wheel can help little but for entry leagues shouldnt be problem but with speed on one spot even this kind of subwheels can destroy carpet. I was one of referee in Croatia this year for entry and LWL entry and you could see smudged traces after robot passed in LWL entry

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Hi Peter,

thank you for contributing to the discussion and our apologies for the long quiet stretch around the Entry rules - we got delayed with 2v2 rules and are only now getting to putting the 1v1 draft together.

A name change for the leaguesis also under consideration for 2025, we did not want to put that in this late in the 2024 season.

It will be possible to use a NXT brick with non-Lego motors, but only with approved ones (we will maintain a suggested whitelist but ultiamtely tournament organizers have final authority over that at their tournaments). The idea is to limit selection to good motors (easy for new teams to buy and use) that are not more powerful than the Lego and Fischertechnik motors so that schools that still have Lego and Fischertechnik can continue to use them without being disadvantaged.

The limit to 3 motors for 1:1 Lightweight is deliberate so that robots previously built for 2:2 cannot easily be re-used there (which unfortunately happens a fair bit despite being against the spirit of Entry league).

The kicker power limit will not get a big increase, a good dribbler is welcome even in entry as it can be accomplished similarly well with either Lego, Fischertechnik or other means.

Cyan for goals will go on the list for 2025 changes.

Soccer Entry Standard Kit will get permission for more sensors - should that lead to problems we are open to restricting that back down again.

Kicker power limitations used to be the same - but we also used to use the same ball everywhere. We think we have set appropriate limits that suit the needs of the robots in their respective leagues - we will correct if we see concerning trends developing.

Mandating rubber for Omniwheels unfortunately is not the solution to all the potential wheel problems, the combination of slip, friction, sometime sharp corners and so on are what causes holes in carpets, smudges on carpets and importantly lines and so on. We will continue asking teams to lower their power until they no longer cause problems for the time being - they are free to solve that problem any way they see fit.

Thank you @stiebel und @elias for answering many of the questions in the meantime.

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Hi everybody,

we finally have a rough-ish draft. We think we incorporated everything but please read carefully and do point out everything you find odd about it - we did it in a couple of hours after one of the committee meetings to finally get it in front of everyone. The link to the current version (that will update as we fix/change additional things) is:

Best Regards and thank you for developing these rules with us, your help has been invaluable
Daivd for the Soccer Committee

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Welcome to this forum. Thank you for your reply. I hope that someone will show as a good solution for the carpet literally “plowed and harvested” by the robots. We had a good time in Croatia and I appreciated the organisation and especially the awards ceremony, well designed. I will open a discussion about it as it can be a good example for the next world cup ceremony.

Hello David, at page 13 dimensions for capture zone LWL is written as “voltage”


The weight limit of 800g for 1v1 standard kit is reached fast due to the mass of lego & fischertechnik.