Soccer Entry Light Weight and Entry Standard Kit 2024 update #soccer-entry-rules-2024

8.5.C is kinda hard to understand, maybe rephrasing this section would be an idea

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Hi there,
this 800g is absolutely new to me as well and I agree with Elias that this could be tricky to stay unter.
I actually do not see the point for beeing unter 1100g like in 1vs1 lightweight.

Beeing the one who answers the FAQ at (which does not tell anything about this weight limit) I would like to have a fast decision if this weight limit is still to discuss or finally set.

Thanks a lot


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With 800gr is easy to build a Lego robot with 2 wheels but if someone wants to put a dribbler or a kicker I see a hard way to get it, IMO.

Thank you for your long and articulated reply.
Will see for Cyan goal color in the future.
I think that solve the carpet damage problem will be hard. One hard surface instead of carpet? Is it too drastic?

4.4.3 A robot must touch the ball that is placed no further than 20 cm from it within 10 seconds. If a robot does not do so within the time limit, etc.

So a referee can distinguish from 19 or 21 cm? From 9 to 11 seconds? During the game? With 5 elements moving on the field? I know the ratio of this rule but it seems to be difficult to apply and causing a lot of appeals.

Hi Roland,

That is a good spot! We have gone back through our notes and found that there is a conflict between the summary posted here on the forum (which agreed upon the 1100g limit) and our internal notes which cataloged a suggestion of 800g as the agreed value (which was actually dismissed due to these concerns when raised earlier during the open call discussions). This error was then transferred to the rules draft. To be clear, 1100grams is the intended limit for 2024.

Thanks, William

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Very clear, thank you!

This is - as always - referee discretion. We are usually very lenient unless we think the bots are truly stuck.

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I’d like to add that 600-800g is what I saw when (accidentally as weighing is not required) putting the Standard Kit bots on the scale. So we might go down for the following season. We’ll make an effort to note down the weights systematically this season and make a decision from there.


We have also pushed some fixes to typos and the correction to 1100g to the same link. Let us know what you think and tell us if we missed something more.

@Elias 8.5.C is kinda hard to understand, maybe rephrasing this section would be an idea
I think the automatic numbering changed due to a typo, could you post the sentence as it is in the rules and maybe suggest a clearer wording?

Great, 1100g for 2024 is possibly the best decision.
Nevertheless, a reduction to 900 or 800 for 2025 could be reasonable.


Just read it again, maybe you already corrected it, besides a comma after “… on the field before each half**,** when a damaged robot …” I cannot find the reason I found the section hard to read.

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Hi everyone,

With the feedback & changes from this forum thread, we believe all reasonable questions, concerns and edits have now been incorporated into the full release of the rule set. The RCJ Soccer page on the website should be updated shortly to match the link below.

The full release can be found here:

Again, thank you for developing these rules with us - it has been excellent with the amount of feedback we have received.

Will for the Soccer Committee

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