Soccer Entry Light Weight and Entry Standard Kit 2024 update #soccer-entry-rules-2024

Hi Joachim,
great motor, that’s for sure.
But being honest, this motor costs around 200$ without a gearbox.
With a gearbox it will easily hit 300$ per motor.
In my opinion this is not an entry-league motor.

We should have a whitelist with “lego-like” drive systems if we want to have a league where legorobots are still competitive, and that is what I expect from an entry league.


Interesting initiative, I’ll follow.

I remember that the “Italians” suggested to have motors with maximum 2A of stall current and 9V. Can be a good idea? Teams must show the motors used with the relative data sheets.

This idea was well discussed.
There where two main points against it:
a) The referees did not want to have the trouble testing the current.
b) we want to have a whitelist for Newcomers to chose a motor.

and another reason is the post above: we do not want expensive high efficiency monsters that are custom made to just fit into the voltage and current specs in the entry league.

By the way : welcome, Peter

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Sorry, I read all the discussion just now and replied to you before reading all the messages. I’ll post some ideas and suggestions next week. Best regards.

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#1 - Entry Standard Kit 2024: will be possible to use continuous servo motors as Dynamixel XL for example?

#2 - Entry Standard Kit 2024: will be changed the name of that sub-category? For example “Soccer Entry” (different that Soccer Lightweight Entry)? Erasing “Standard Kit” from the name?

#3 - Entry Standard Kit 2024: will be possible to use a NXT brick with non Lego motors?

The 1vs1 Standard Kit league should also have a weight limit to avoid over-heavy tanks.


It will have one, 1100g.

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#1 See #3

#2 Yes, the name for all leagues is probably about to change for either the 2025 or 2026 season.

#3 No, as of now, only lego motors (with two exceptions) will be permittet

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Hello, sorry, i was on vacation for a week…
@Peter, YES, to #1 and YES to #3

As we allow custom made robots as a new class within the entry league, your robot would fit into “hybrid robot” with lego and non-lego parts. As long as the motors are comparable to lego Motors and not “far better” you should be fine. The Dynamixel XL330-M077-T for example is in the same power range as the lego motors, and the price is in the same range, too.
So as far as I know we agreed to have a white-list and you should add a request for a specific motor as soon as possible. It will not be my decision, but either it is decided by the responsible chair or within a poll - probably in this forum.
As far as I am concerned, the XL3xx series should fit into the given parameters.

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Thank you for your answer. The two exceptions you mentioned are what? Cheers.

Very clear, thank you!

#4 The soccer entry lightweight will have a 3 wheels limitation? I suggest 4 instead, so will be easier to move to the LWL in the future.

#5 I do not understand if there will be a power motor limitation to dribbler and kicker. It should be, IMO. The risk is to play against robots with comparable traction motors but too powerful/expensive motors that kick and dribble.

#6 kicker: to limit the complexity of kickers I suggest to limit the kickers to only “mechanical” types (driven by electric motors) and forbidden the use of solenoids.

#7 dimensions of the playground: I suggest there is the time to have only one kind of field dimensions: 122X183X14. We encountered a lot of variations, sometimes it is complex to adapt the robot to the various situations of the play field. Make a new field is not so expensive (compared to bring a group of agonists to partecipate to regional, national and European tournaments). The result will be a clearer and easier base to all the participants.

#8 colors of the goals: I suggested to use cyan instead blue for one of the goal. After many years I see they changed the rule of “blue” with “4.4.4 It is recommended that the blue be of a brighter shade so that it is different enough from the black exterior.” Just a little step :wink: Cyan is more easier to detect than blue. Moreover I found an orange painted goal recently during an official tournament. Why?

#9 soccer entry (not the lightweight): how many sensors allowed? multiplexers: allowed or not?

Hello PeterParker,
I will try to answer your questions as good as I can.

#4 We reduced to 3 wheels for two reasons. One is to prevent using “last year” 2vs2-LWL bots in the 1vs1-league, second is to reduce the speed on the smaller field. The steps between entry and 1vs1-LWL and 1vs1-LWL and 2vs2-LWL are more equal we think. This is to review in the future for sure.

#5 We did not see a lot of dribbler/kicker constructions in 1vs1 entry. The power limitations are in entry only. If we see too powerful kicker/dribblers in the entry league we will think about limitations there as well.

#6 We have a kicker power limitation for all leagues (different between the leagues). Most teams find it easier to build solenoid kickers than mechanical ones. However in 1vs1 entry and LWL you will not be able to have too powerful solenoids due to the voltage limitations.

#7 We had very precise dimension rules for 1vs1 and weakened them to allow the use of FLL fields and other fields as it is much easier for new teams to reuse their old fields. In 2vs2 the field dimensions for the experienced users are fixed. In 1vs1 the playing logic usually does not rely on precise dimensions for most teams. I personally agree that fixed dimensions are better, but I can see the point for newcomers. However, we should encourage national and international championship locations to use fixed dimensions and change the rules to something like “dimensions will be…[exact dimensions] at the national and international finals but can vary between … and … at local qualifying tournaments”
I will suggest this issue to the chairs.

#8 I totally agree with you. The name “blue” gives far to many variations. We thought about a “RAL” or RGB or CMYK number to fix this. But you are right, Cyan is not used as a “special color” anymore (we had some ideas about cyan and magenta marks on the walls for easier orientation but skipped it years ago) So using precise colors like yellow and cyan as 0/0/100/0 and 100/0/0/0 CMYK colors would make it easy and clear to get better colored goals. However, this must still stay in a mode where variations are allowed as we do not want to get discussions about the colors at the tournaments. They can vary due to surface, light and other external reasons.

#9 There are and will be no restrictions about the number of sensors or multiplexers. (The old LEGO IR-Seeker consists of 5 Ir-Sensors in one package. Is this 1 Sensor or 5?) So there is no limitation at all.
Same with multiplexers.

WARNING : I do not make the rules!
My answer is how I interpret the given rules. I took part at the discussions as a guest and I think I understood the reasons for the rule changes and can answer questions to clarify the rules, but I can bee wrong!

Greetings, Roland

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Nice answers and ideas.

#6 I thought the power limitation for kickers were always same for all leagues. Good to know. I remember that the voltage limitations had an exception: solenoids for kickers. Did they change recently?

#8 The use of RAL system will make easy to paint the goals. The spray can or paint can be easily find at home supplies shops. I talk about the “tone” of the colors. Of course different source of lights (color temperature, metamerism, etc.) or saturation can change the game a bit. My suggestion is RAL 1023 (traffic yellow) and RAL 180 70 40 (pure cyan).

I hope to see the draft rules (entry and lightweight entry) soon.
Thank you.

#10 Soccer entry and lightweight entry: in which category will camera vision allowed?

#10 both leagues will be allowed to use vision systems

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Thank you for your reply!


I have a suggestion for EX soccer lightweight standard kit
It is important to maintain compatibility with standard kits because many may still use them, but it must be possible to use other components because some are no longer commercially available.

  1. All motors are power compatibility with LEGO standard kit (motors list OK)

  2. Only two motors for traction (for differentiate with soccer entry lightweight)

  3. Allowed componets LEGO and NON LEGO

  4. The size of the robot is limited to 22,4 cm by 22,4 cm by 22,4 cm. Weight is limited 1,1KG

Best regards,