Rescue Simulation : 4.4.6 Judges will start the game

I read “RoboCupJunior Rescue Simulation Rules 2023”. (RCJRescueSimulation2023RulesFinal.pdf)
so I have a question.

4.4.1. The next team in line should prepare the computer submitted to run the program as a client to the game server.
4.4.2. When ready, run the program and report to the referee.
4.4.3. The game will start with a referee’s operation on the game server.

Rule 4.4.1 and Rule 4.4.2 state that a team connects their client PC to the game server and runs a program on the client PC.

4.4.6. Judges will start the game with the submitted code loaded on the simulation platform.

Rule 4.4.6 states that the referee loads the program

I think Rules 4.4.1-4.4.3 and 4.4.6 do not match.
Is Rule 4.4.6 correct?



thank you for your message.

Rule 4.4.6 is marked with an ‘*’. In this case the rule is specifically catered towards an online competition and will not come into effect this year.
Please have a look at the “Before you read the rules” section at the start of the rules.

The exact method of conducting the competition can vary, due to various hardware/software or network restrictions and will be published later on, but will always be within the framework of the rules.

2023 Committee

Hello @Alex98

Thank you reply

your answer

Rule 4.4.6 is marked with an ‘*’. In this case the rule is specifically catered towards an online competition and will not come into effect this year.

Rule 4.4.1 to 4.4.3 also have an asterisk (*) attached to them. Will these also not be implemented this year?



pls have a look at this thread. The procedure that we will be conducting, is explained there.

Like mentioned in the other thread, this contradicts with the answer i gave you before.

All the rules from section 4.4 are correct and also rule 4.4.6 is correct and will be in use this year.

I apologize for the confusion and hope that this answers your questions.

2023 Committee

Hello @Alex98

Thank you reply

I have checked the link you provided.
Thank you for providing detailed information about the team preparation tasks.

your answer

All the rules from section 4.4 are correct and also rule 4.4.6 is correct and will be in use this year.

You mentioned that Rule 4.4.6 will also be implemented in this year’s competition.

Rescue Simulation 2023 rules
4.4.6. (For 2021 only) Judges will start the game with the submitted code loaded on the simulation

I think Rule 4.4.6 is applicable for online competitions. Since this year’s competition is an onsite event (in-person competition), wouldn’t it be the case that Rule 4.4.6 will not be implemented?
Who will load the program in this year’s competition, the judges or the team members?



please look at the list from this thread again, key point nr. 5 in particular. Teams will be uploading their robot file and code to the game server, but the judges will ultimately start the simulation on the game server.

2023 Committee

Hello @Alex98
Thank you reply

your answer

Teams will be uploading their robot file

I read that rule 4.4.6 says that the Judge loads the program.
So I thought the rules don’t match your answer.

Does rule 4.4.6 say that the team member loads the program?
