[Rescue] How to submit your team's TDP/Video for RoboCup2021

Dear all participants of RoboCupJunior2021 Rescue League,

In this post I will explain how your team can submit TDPs and videos at RoboCupJunior2021. Please note that these instructions are only for the Rescue League.

To find out what is expected to you in each sub-league, please check the information in the Participants’ Guide and RoboCupJunior2021 Rescue Special Page on the Community Website.

STEP1 Receive emails

When RoboCup2021 HQ provides team information to Junior Rescue Committee(us), we will send you an email:

Title: RoboCup2021 Personal Page Access
From : no-reply[at]world.rcj.cloud

In this email you will receive access to your team’s personal page.

STEP2 Access to your team’s personal page

Click on the link in the email to access your personal page. You will see a screen like the one below.
On this page you will be able to answer questionnaires, submit TDPs and videos, book a presentation/interview slot, and receive files distributed to you.

STEP3 Fill the form

Click on the “Document Submission” button. You will see a new window with the submission form. Follow the instructions on the form to upload your files and answer the questions.
Once you have filled the form, don’t forget to click the Save button.
You will not be able to submit your work after the submission deadline (shown at the top of the form). Please make sure to submit your work before the deadline.

We hope that these explanations will help to alleviate some of your concerns.

Thank you,
RoboCupJunior Rescue OC Co-Chair

The personal page invitation was sent to the registered mentors on 11 June 2021 at 7:44 (UTC).
If you have not received the email, please check your spam mailbox. If you still can’t find the email, please contact us with your team name, league, mentor name and alternative email address at

A same announcement was sent to some additional teams at 4:14 (UTC) on 13 June. If you have not received it, please check your spam mailbox. Please note that this announcement was sent to registered mentor’s email address.