RCJ Rescue 2020 Presentation Event

RoboCupJunior Rescue Presentation Event HERE

Hi RoboCupJunior Rescue teams!

RCJ Rescue would like to hold a virtual presentation event to have some conclusion to the 2020 RoboCupJunior year for rescue Line and rescue Maze (Simulation will have its own kickoff event already announced on both newsletters and the forum by the TC/OC). The idea of this virtual event is to have a formal opportunity for teams present their excellent work within the RCJ rescue community in a condensed form, and to have some sense of closure to the year.

Participating teams will create a video about their progress and work, which will be made available for other teams to host discussions and gain inspiration for the future.

While awards cannot be issued by the RoboCup Federation, teams participating will be recognised by the RCJ Rescue TC/OC committees and a range of awards will be given for outstanding presentations.

Who can participate?

All robocuppers are welcome to participate in this event!

We are also welcoming members out of range to apply to a separate category. It is great to have a community involved in RCJ rescue outside of the age restrictions. But please keep the work done by students who are in the eligible age range and mentors/previous participants in RCJ.

Presentation video requirements and details

We would like teams to create a 10 minute video presenting their robot and work they have done for the 2020 event. You do not have to be visually present on camera in your video and you do not need to provide your name in your video if you do not wish to do so. However, the video should focus on such topics as, but not limited to, the construction and function of the robot, experiments and problems you have solved, and what remains a difficulty for you. The video should definitely include images and footage of the robot performing some of the tasks.
Please produce the video in English.

Mentors can provide support on the logistics, the video content creation and presentation should be independent work done by the students. Please include your team name and mention of RoboCupJunior Rescue 2020 presentation event.

Deadlines and submission

Videos should be uploaded to either YouTube, Vimeo, Youku, and the link should be submitted alongside some other accompanying information through the submission form. The submission form will be sent to each team privately once a participation form is filled in: https://rcj.page.link/pr20-application

The deadline for the participation form is on June 18th 23:59:59 GMT (one week prior to the video submission deadline).

The deadline for uploading will be during the time of what would have been the 2020 competition - on June 25th 23:59:59 GMT.


We have a RCJ website dedicated for this event and hopefully for future use! The link is the same on the title of this article - but can also be accessed here.


We hope to see many teams partaking! It would be an achievement for both the team and the whole RCJ Rescue community to have a compilation of developments and innovation for each other and future teams.

Kai Junge
2020 TC


I was wondering if it was possible for OB/OG members (anyone who do not qualify for the age restriction in RoboCup) to also participate? For example if they were experimenting/improving their robot using the current rules?
Best regards.

Thank you @Masa,

If they have a video I’ld like to watch them.
I will ask to other TC’s opinion, so please wait a few.



I’ve updated the original post to include information for a new submission section for those outside of the RCJ eligible age range.


2020 TC

This event starts right now!
Check the next post for details.

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