Is there a max amount of ramps and levels in an arena?

Hello @Dieguinilombrin ,

thank you for your clarification and quick response. we as a team luckily have not had any problems with unexpected scenarios, but our concern lies more with new teams, without expirinced mentors, entering the maze competionion for the first time.

During our rule review we noticed that, the unclear definition of ramps in conjunction with the rules regarding the field itself, may confuse unexpirence teams.
The rules do not really clarify, that different overlaping levels are possible: “2.1.1 The field layout will consist of a collection of tiles with a horizontal floor, a perimeter wall, ramps,
and walls within the field”.The use of the singulare for ‘floor’,combinded with the pictures within the rules, may lead new teams to the conclution that the field will only be a single floor with ramps comparable to those in Rescue Line (without the possibility of driving under the ramp).

The difference between possible false expactations and reality is huge, considering the complexity of the mapping algorithms that are needed for multiple levels and ramps, and makes seriously competing during the first year quit difficult.
I hope you understand our concern.

With regards,

Team Robo4Future

Those kinds of arenas, oftentimes with a second ramp and a third floor, are the ones we encountered during competition.

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