Hello @AliAr ,
We won’t provide an upper limit for the height between two tiles. We considered for the 2024 rules to provide a minimum of 25 cm. We don’t believe this will cause a lot of trouble to most teams and we haven’t noticed a problem during national competitions but will continue to keep an eye on this and see if there is something we could improve next year if needed.
The minimum distance is specified in rule 2.2.6
Robots must be designed to navigate under tiles that form bridges over other tiles. Tiles placed above other tiles will be supported by walls. The minimum height (space between the floor and the ceiling) will be 25 cm.
It will be similar to the ambient environment. With this I mean we won’t be having additional light sources inside the underpasses. Teams are free to make any calibrations to the lightning conditions as always. (rules 2.7.2 and 2.7.4).
Horizontal (rule 2.1.4).
We intentionally leave this open for the teams to figure out. We define what the rules allow and it’s up to the teams to think about the different possibilities of the different maps that could be created to challenge your robot. If we define exactly the only scenarios you can see, it will remove an important learning experience. If you have specific concerns about some possible scenarios feel free to share them here.
You might want to read this other forum post. The possibility of multi-level floors has been around for a lot of years now (I remember seeing a crazy one in the 2016 competition), this is the first time we explicitly call them over in the rules to make it easier for the teams to be aware of this possibility, but there are examples from previous years where this was already implemented in national and international competitions
Is there a max amount of ramps and levels in an arena? - RoboCupJunior Rescue / RoboCupJunior Rescue Maze - RoboCupJunior Forum
I also want to mention that the rules became available in October 2023, where we answered questions and made clarifications before releasing the official version of the rules, so there has been plenty of time for the teams to think about the rules, bring up any concerns and prepare for the competition.
If you have any other questions feel free to post them here!
Diego Garza Rodriguez
2024 Committee