Documentation to send

Hello! I have two questions about the documents to send until june 23.

  1. Which are the roles to specificate? For example, captain and co-captain are roles?
  2. Which is all the documentation to send? And some other documentation for the event?

And what if i change my robot during these 3 weeks before the competition? Should i make a new poster and send it or isn’t necessary? The same question for all the items in the document sending that can change.

Hi @erne1
Thank you for your question.

Which are the roles to specificate? For example, captain and co-captain are roles?

Yes. In addition to that, it is a good idea to write what part of the project you were technically responsible for. For example, the design and production of hardware and electronic circuits, the design of algorithms, and the development of software for each part of the items. Show us here that your team members work well as a team.

Which is all the documentation to send? And some other documentation for the event?

The list of documents that need to be submitted is as mentioned in a previous post.

Templates and evaluation criteria (rubrics) are available at:

And what if i change my robot during these 3 weeks before the competition?

The evaluation will be based on documents submitted by June 23. No re-submissions or updates can be made. However, you may bring a poster with updated information to the competition. You may appeal in interviews, etc.

I hope this helps you.


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