This is in reference to the first Rescue rule change posted here regarding unrestricted use of AI resources. I agree with this response by sz_jazmin2009 and want to share my own thoughts as well.
I’m deeply concerned about the recent rule changes that allow students to use AI tools without restriction. The fact that teams can now purchase devices to bypass writing their own code—and only miss out on a small point bonus—raises significant fairness and integrity issues. Teams could simply buy or download a finished program, saving time and effort, while those who create an AI solution on their own receive a negligible TDP point bonus.
This approach undermines the educational value of the competition. To ensure fairness, I strongly believe that teams who develop their own algorithms and programs should receive a significant field score multiplier, not just a minor point bonus. Without this, educators like myself are faced with the nearly impossible task of motivating students to create their own solutions, especially when they can just download pre-made ones with little penalty.
Additionally, technical interviews will now require judges to have in-depth knowledge of a wide range of open-source AI tools to properly assess students’ understanding. This seems highly impractical and could detract from the educational focus of the competition.
Unfortunately, this rule change places education at the lowest priority. It contradicts the very reason I chose RCJ over other platforms like VEX and WRO. I apologize for the bluntness, but I am genuinely disappointed and, quite frankly, at a loss for how to address this in a more positive light.