2025 RCJ Rescue Rule Changes

Dear Rescue Committee,

Thank you for sharing the rule changes!

We would like to express our concerns regarding the unrestricted permission for AI use:
„A.1) AI-Based Solutions
Starting this year, the use of AI-based solutions is permitted without restriction, including the incorporation of AI-based sensors (like the Pixie Cam or Husky Lens).”

In our opinion, key parts of the previous rules for Rescue Line and Maze were important for both learning and ensuring a “fair competition”:
„3.2. Construction

  1. Any robot kit or building blocks, either available on the market or built from raw hardware, may be used as long as the design and construction of the robot are primarily and substantially the students’ original work.
  2. Teams are not permitted to use commercially produced robot kits or sensors components specifically designed or marketed to complete any single primary task of RoboCupJunior Rescue. Robots that do not comply will face immediate disqualification from the tournament. If there is any doubt, teams should consult the RoboCupJunior Rescue Committee before the competition.”

In our opinion, with the unrestricted use of AI, teams might be able to solve the scored elements of the challenges extremely efficiently without relying on significant individual solutions.

While the importance of AI is undeniable, it is crucial to ensure that the competition’s outcome is still primarily influenced by the teams’ own work.

Although the possibility of using AI is granted to everyone, it raises the question of whether it is beneficial for the future if everyone ends up using essentially the same pre-programmed tools or similar robots.

We believe it is important for the rules to continue encouraging teams to earn points primarily through their own unique developments.

Team Lightning,
Szilágyi Jázmin