Announcement of OnStage Entry League rules

Dear Community,

a few years ago the division of the OnStage league into preliminary and advanced was dropped and the age limit was set to 14 years. Since that time the OnStage committee was looking for ways to get younger students engaged with RoboCup before they reach the minimum age.
The regional and superregional events all around the world are doing a great job in taking care of these teams, but every local committee uses its own adaption of the OnStage rules to suit the needs of a young team. As this has led to confusion and complications when moving from one event to another, we decided to create a set of rules, which is specially made for teams that are new to RoboCupJunior OnStage. They are based on the standard OnStage rules and should provide an ideal preparation for the advancement of a team withing our league.

Now we are looking for the feedback from teams, mentors and organizers from all over the world to make the rules even more suitable to your competition.
Please feel free to leave any comment or thought you get while reading the rules below. They aren’t as long as the standard ones, so please take a few minutes to read them :slight_smile:
We will attempt to use the standard OnStage scoresheets with the entry rules, as they have been written in a way that’s supposed to be as general as possible. But we are happy about comments on that as well!

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Please note, that there will be no OnStage Entry league on the world championship! The rules are meant to be used on a regional and superregional level only.

We are looking forward to your feedback until the end of march March 30, 2024!

Thank you and have a good time!


When we had our meeting about these rules,I proposed to specify age from 10 to 14 years old , because for example in the European Robocup Junior they are actually recognized for Preliminary performance . The aim of these unique rules Entry League means in fact to give order to the subleague. Stardandizing the criteria and allowing also to middle school students to a have a first approach to the STEAM ,nowadays pervasive and fundamental also in their teaching aims.

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Hi, RCJ OnStage community!

Thanks, Christian and OnStage OTCs, for compiling and sharing the entry rules. I have read through these rules. They are easy to read, with fewer items than the regular rules. They must be straightforward for students who participate in the RoboCupJunior event for the first time. I love the concept of simplifying the entry rules.

On the other hand, I have one concern.
I could not find technical restrictions on robots except those related to batteries. Teams that have just started building robots tend to incorporate risky things into their performance because they don’t know what they are doing. For example, they might construct a giant and fragile robot, injure themselves by pinching their hand with an exposed mechanism, or use a drone, etc. It might be better to have stricter regulations for entry-level teams.

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Hello Robocup, I am Luis Saenz from Mexico and I am delighted with this year’s rules for robocup onstage, I loved them and I found them very precise, I have been competing in this category for almost 5 years and I felt this year’s rules are very complete, but well that is not the point, it’s the entry rules for regional competitions for onstage.

I wanted to start by saying that I read the entry rules and I found them very interesting and very well developed, I feel that they are the perfect rules for a beginner in the category, they contain the most important points for me of the national, international, etc. competition for a new group of people, I feel that they encourage people with these rules, since they are new, to give all their potential and improve themselves and that’s what I liked about these rules, they are very precise in their points. For example here in Mexico we have in my city either a regional high school tournament or a regional tournament, then we have the national tournament that gives us the pass to the international “Robocup” so I feel that these rules were perfect for as you mention the entry tournaments.

Now there were only a few things that I would like to be different, being mainly in the scores, as they are well 50% performance, 40% interview and 10% poster, I would like to raise the percentage in the poster or even add a technical demonstration in person, as before pandemic, I know it’s a little longer this, however for me that is the essence of onstage, many times, and I include myself, we can have the best performance or even the best interview, but we lose all the points in the competition in other points like the poster, so I would like that we could make the teams to show their artistic skills, design skills, so that they know how to demonstrate and present their work, because we know, it is a competition and all the points count.

I know that onstage is a very complete category and covering all the points for an entry category is a bit more complicated, but I know that there may be the possibility to make the teams show their full potential and not lose points or underestimate things that may seem the simplest, but are sections that count and are not given count.

Sorry for my long message, thank you for asking our opinion committee, have a great year in Robocup Netherlands, I wish you all the best to all the teams.

Your friend Luis Saenz from Mexico :slight_smile: