2023 RCJ Soccer Newsletters

Hello everybody,

in addition to sending them out to all team members and coaches we’ll post the Newsletters (one a day from now to the end of the tournament) here.

Newsletter 01: Team Newsletter 01.pdf - Google Drive

Best Regards

Hello everybody,

Newsletter 02 is now out: Team Newsletter 02.pdf - Google Drive
It contains a link to the preliminary schedule that will still change: Team Newsletter 02 - Soccer Schedule as of 2023-07-04.pdf - Google Drive

Best Regards

Newsletter 03: Team Newsletter 03.pdf - Google Drive

Newsletter 04: Team Newsletter 04 - Google Drive

Hi everybody,

schedules will be uploaded as quickly as we can right when we print and hang them. 2nd round for LWL is in the folder now, the others are coming.

LWL Schedules and Results: LWL – Google Drive
LWL SuperTeam Schedules and Results: LWL Superteam – Google Drive
Open League Schedules and Results: Open – Google Drive
Open League SuperTeam Schedules and Results: Open Superteam – Google Drive

All the best and good luck for your games
The 2023 RoboCupJunior Soccer League Committee

Newsletter 5: Team Newsletter 05.pdf - Google Drive

Newsletter 6: Team Newsletter 06.pdf - Google Drive

Hello everyone,

this year’s technical challenges are now finished. You can find the description of the challenges here: Technical Challenge 2023.pdf - Google Drive

Please sign up at the following form, if you sign up and attempt at least one challenge you will receive a couple bonus points for the overall ranking (exact amount will follow in newsletter). Note that we ask what challenges you want to do in the form, but you are allowed to attempt all of them, even the ones you did not check as the most interesting in the form.

All the best, good luck to the SuperTeam finalists and much success with the challenges,
The 2023 RoboCupJunior Soccer League Committee