[WE NEED YOUR HELP] Soccer Simulation - Inter-robot communication

Hello everyone!

We have implemented inter-robot communication feature – this required us to contribute to the Webots itself because we needed to do some small adjustments there. However, Webots plans to release next official version in June/July, so if you would like to have inter-robot communication available during RoboCupJunior in June, we need to test nightly build, whether everything works as before with official release.

In order to achieve that, we need you, the participants, to help us with testing. You can find changes in our rcj-soccer-sim repository under “communication” branch. See the pull request https://github.com/RoboCupJuniorTC/rcj-soccer-sim/pull/90

Description of the pull request should navigate you on how to set everything up.

If you try it out and find any issues, please report them in this topic. If nothing suspicious appears and everything works smoothly, let us know as well, so we can push this forward to make it available during the RoboCupJunior competition in June



Hello @adrianmatejov,

We have been using inter-robot communication and in general, it has been working great. The robot does, however, behave strangely when messages are being sent too frequently (like every TIME_STEP increment). But that problem is, at least for us, not too big of a deal.

So we were wondering if the inter-robot communication feature would be available for the upcoming Qualifiers as we have been using it quite a bit in our code.

Thank you!

Sincerely, Thomas

Hi @thomastseng0380,

To avoid any misunderstanding and limit the chances something breaks, we’ve made the decision not to officially support the inter-robot communication for this year’s qualification/international competition. By far the largest reason why is the fact that a nightly build of Webots, which we do not control, would be necessary.

Hence, I would suggest you look into ways of making your code not depending on this feature, as we cannot really promise it will work as you would expect.

Should you have any further questions/comments/feedback, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
