- Are letters always going to (or intended to) be straight? Or is the letter going to be rotated (like in the image)?
- Will the letter have something reflectant, for example tape? Or is it going to be fasten by the “back” of the letter?
Ernesto Cervnates
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Dear Ernesto98,
The letters will always be straight (like your first example).
The letters will most probably be printed on thick (white) paper and fasten to the wall with white tape. But it is the LOC that will bring all material and it can vary from competition to competition.
// Fredrik Löfgren, TC and OC 2016 / 2017
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Your reply (letters will be always straight) is still valid on Bordeaux July 2023?
PS Hi “TechnoX”. I remember we discussed about problems on thermal victims transmitting warm temperature to opposite site of a wall. After that you suggested the use of Peltier cells… time flies…
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Hello @PeterParker ,
According to the 2023 rules, we only guarantee the distance of the victim from the floor but not the orientation of the victims.
Diego Garza Rodriguez
2023 Committee
Ah, I just know in this moment, no time to solve that problem.
You mean that the paragraph 2.5 let to put letters in many orientations.
Uhm… also we can find letters “in a mirror way” oriented?
It seems very “brainy”…
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Can we find multiple victims attached on a wall in the same tile? Example: the robot stops at a tile and attached on the left wall can read H, red, U ?
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Hello @PeterParker ,
Correct, you can have more than one victim present in the same tile, including multiples per wall or distributed in different walls.
Diego Garza Rodriguez
2023 Committee
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I was always under the impression that victims could not be on the same wall of the same tile. This is because to identify a victim, the bot had to be within 15cm (rule 4.6.1) and rescue kits must be deployed within 15 cm of the victim (rule 4.6.3).
Given the tile is 30cm, the 15 cm radii from each victim would overlap and there could be ambiguity as to the intention of the robot.
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Thank you for the clear and quick answer. As usual.
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Rules talk about distances from victims. Nothing about tiles. If inside 15 cm. no ambiguity, it is always correct. I see videos of past world championships where they put two victims on the same wall inside the same tile. Nothing new. I just asked if this year they can do it if they decide to do it. So I agree with Diego.
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Hi @Dennisma,
Usually, it’s preferred to don’t have multiple victims on the same tile for the reasons you mentioned above
Also, Rescue Maze it’s a competition where exploration is rewarded (your robot must aim to explore the entire maze and not the fastest path for example), so having a lot of victims in the same spot can defer from that objective in some situations.
But according to the rules it’s an scenario we can have and, as Peter mentioned, it has been in some fields in the past. Looking at rules 4.6.1 and 4.6.3, if the robot stops within a distance of 15cm of both victims, blinks for 5 seconds and drops the rescue kits in the overlap range, both victims within range will be detected and scored (even though there are multiple victims and the identification action was performed once).
Thanks for expanding on this interesting situation 
Diego Garza Rodriguez
2023 Committee
A question: imagine to have one S and one H in the situation described above. I think the robot must blink for 5 sec. two times and mst drop 5 kits. Reading your answer I understand one blink and 5 kits? Maybe it is better two blinks to signal the presence of two victims? Sorry I am a bit in doubt… PS Maybe it sounds a bit “academic discussion”.
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This is more like an edge case scenario that we need to contemplate on the 2024 rules 
Currently the rule 4.6.1 states:
4.6.1 . To successfully identify a victim, the robot must stop within 15 cm of a victim and blink an indicator visible to the referee for the full 5 seconds while stationary.
Which means, if your robot stops within 15cm of two victims and blinks for 5 seconds, it fulfils the requirement of victim identification for both victims and points should be awarded for both. We will work on making a clarification or improvement.
Diego Garza Rodriguez
2023 Committee
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Thank you for the useful answer, as usual.
I will keep your answer as reference for the future.
Looking forward for 2024 rules.
Best regards.