The poster should be printed for the competition?

Hi, I have a doubt, for the national competence, the poster should be printed? Or it should just be sent virtually? I’ll appreciate your answer

Hi Sophie,

that very much depends on the region, you would have to ask the regional organizers. They are usually either the regional representatives for your region or the regional reps can get you in touch with them. You can usually find tournament organizer contact details on the tournament website and regional rep contact details at Community – RoboCupJunior . If that doesn’t work feel free to reach out again and we’ll try to get a hold of someone.

Best Regards and good luck at the competition

Thanks for the good desires; in Panama it will be necessary to print the poster?

Hi Sophie I am from Panama. We are in National Competence. Your team it had that send a email with your team Poster (PDF or Adobe Ilustrator) to Senacyt email in the dead date (may 5 - 2024). They are charge of printing your poster.

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