Technical test for online meeting

Hi there!
I’d like to ask about “Technical test for online meeting”. The test will be done on June 12? our school is closed and it would be difficult for us to be there. Is it possible to take the test on Friday?
Moreover, when will we know the schedule of this test?

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The main purpose of ”Technical test for online meeting” is to test the connection of Zoom and Gather which we’ll use during the competition.
It will not be a test that requires a field or robot.
We think it’s best to have access in the environment you will use during the competition, but it can also be from home.
Could your team members test the connection from each home on June 12 ?

2021 TC

Where will you be doing the presentation from during the competition? I think the test should be done from the same location where you will be doing the team presentation and interview.

we will be doing the presentation at school, but our school is closed during the day of the test

We will have the test on Jun 13th, too.
Could you access Jun 13th from your school ?


I can’t give a sure answer for now… can you tell us the hour of the meeting? this will surely help

Hi @lucaSartore,

Our plan of the test Jun12th and 13th
10:00 ~13:00(UTC)
15:00 ~17:00(UTC)
It will be held at the same time on both days.

2021 TC

Ok, We Will do the possibile

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Sounds good. :slight_smile:

See you at Jun 13th.
