Team description paper(Technical Roles)

What are the technical roles in RoboCup Junior Rescue Line, and how many roles can one teammate have?

I guess you are referring to rule 3.3.3?

3.3.3 Each team member must explain their work and have a specific technical role.

Basically the idea is to split up work among the team members - so that everybody is involved in the development of the robot. :smile:

For example you could split up the task like:

  • Person A builds the base of the robot
  • Person B builds the gripper for the evacuation zone
  • Person C programs the line following and obstacle avoidance
  • Person D programs the evacuation zone behavior

But it’s totally up to you - how to split tasks and which team member takes care of what (you could also choose one Person that does the whole evacuation zone or even reassign tasks to another person later on in your development process).

Hope that helps! :wink:

Thanks for your response, but I meant what types of technical roles are there.

What exactly do you mean by “types”? :thinking:
… could you maybe give an example? :sweat_smile:

By types, I meant categories such as hardware and logistics, media, and documentation.

As far as I know, there are no such “types” specified by the rules.

But back when I competed we split up our team into two categories “hardware” and “software”.
Also I don’t think that “media” would be a technical role. :sweat_smile:

In the TDP, it asks for technical roles. What should be written there?

In this case the role should act as a small “summery” of what each team member did. :smile:

Maybe try to think the other way around:
You are the reviewer and you have to grade the TDP. You roughly want to know what each team member did.

Would it be better if a team now has the roles

  • Person A: Captain
  • Person B: Co-Captain
  • Person C: Team member
  • Person D: Team member

or would it make more sense to have something like?

  • Person A: Software-Developer (Line following)
  • Person B: Software-Developer (Evacuation zone)
  • Person C: Hardware-Engineer (Robot)
  • Person D: Hardware-Engineer (Gripper for Victims)

This is just one example on how you could split up your roles, but there are countless ways to do this and none of them is 100% wrong!