Soccer Simulation: Webots version updated to R2022a

Hello everyone,

we have updated the version of Webots to R2022a. We will most probably use this one during the competitions this year. The most important change is the coordinate system. The soccer world has been converted from “NUE” to “ENU” coordinate system.

What does this mean? When reading GPS coordinates, you should get a list of three values. Before this update, you would work with the first (x) and the third (z) values (because “y” was used for depth of the objects, which had never changed). From now on, you should be using the first (x) and the second (y) values.. Note also another change: “y” value represents the horizontal coordinate (i.e. it changes when going from yellow to blue goal), while “x” represents the vertical coordinate (when going from top wall to bottom wall).

Regarding sensors, Compass sensor in the example robot players was changed to return “0” radians when the robot is facing opponent’s goal.

Feel free to download the new version of Webots as well as SoccerSim and test it out. We would really appreciate your feedback and fix possible bugs.
