Robocup Soccer Junior Documentation

I would like to know how or if i even need to make one cause i didnt find anything online about it could someone point me to maybe some template.


you can find some posters and links to materials from teams who have competed at the international level here: GitHub - robocup-junior/awesome-rcj-soccer: A curated list of resources relevant to RoboCupJunior Soccer . Generally speaking the higher up you go (from local to regional to super-regional to international tournaments) the more important your documentation becomes - in regions running qualification tournaments the documentation is frequently not really checked at those unless organizers are unsure if the teams actually build the robots themselves. You can always contact the regional representative for your region (who are usually the tournament organizers or at least in contact with tournament organizers) which you can find on this page: Community – RoboCupJunior .

I hope that helps, if you have further questions or cannot reach anybody feel free to ask.