4.6.9. Successful exit bonus (EB). A robot will be awarded additional 10% of the total score as an exit bonus if: it can identify at least one victim and return to the starting tile while sending an ‘exit’ command to the game manager to finish the game.
There is no “hazmat sign” written in this sentence.
If the robot identifies one “hazmat sign” and then returns to the starting tile while sending an ‘exit’ command to the game manager to finish the game, will I get EB?
Yes, that’s correct. Internally, hazards and victims are treated almost identically.
Is “hazards” a “hazmat signs” ?
The current rule mixes the two expressions “victim” and “victim or hazmat sign”.
For example 4.6.1 and 4.6.2 are written as “victim”. 4.6.3 is written as “victim or hazmat sign”.
I don’t know if the rule says “victim” means “victim only” or “victim or hazmat sign”.
I would appreciate it if you could clean up the notation of the rules.