Rescue Line 2.7.3 continuous ramp

Hello @MASA ,

According to the rule 4.6.1, the scoring of hazards like speed bumps, gaps and debris are awarded when the robot has reached the next tile in the sequence. So if a speed bump is installed on the first ramp, the speed bump points are awarded once it reaches the second ramp. To expand on your escenario to create more clarity, if the robot has a lack of progress on the second ramp (before reaching the horizontal top tile), the speed bump hazard points are scored, but the ramp hazard score is not awarded.

4.6.1. A robot is awarded points for successfully navigating each hazard (gaps in the line, speed bumps, intersections, dead ends, ramps, obstacles, and seesaws). Points are awarded per hazard when the robot has reached the next tile in sequence.


Diego Garza Rodriguez
2023 Committee