Remote Driver Execution

My question is how you can go about charging the robot, when running the robot remotely using Ethernet.
since they are not explicitly mentioned in the rules.
Thank you very much for your time. :blush:

I am not sure what you mean as RoboCupJunior robots need to be autonomous. Could you describe what you are doing in a bit more detail? Particularly what league are you participating in, why would you need to charge durinduring runs and not take your batteries to charge at your table?

My question was directed to the simulated robotics category.
We are executing the code remotely via ethernet cable and our question is how to load the json (simulated robot) with ethernet
since the rules of this category do not specify how to load the json remotely via Ethernet cable.
sorry for having expressed myself poorly and for not addressing the respective category.

Dear @Bustamante ,

If your question is for the Rescue Simulation league, I can answer your question.
For this yearโ€™s competition, we will ask you to submit your robot JSON file beforehand (ex: 30min before the game time) through the CMS. Then the judge will load your robot JSON file on the competition computer.

Best regards,
Rescue Committee 2024