Placement of ramp and wall in the field

I have two questions.

  1. Is it possible for the wall to be located exactly below or above the ramps?

  2. Considering that it is not mentioned in the rules, is it possible 2 or more than 2 ramps to be exactly next to each other?

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according that there is not much time left until the competition, can you answer this question as soon as possible so that we can prepare the robot for it?

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Hello @Mahbod,

Sorry for the delay in answering this question, it has brought up some interesting rule discussions within the committee :slight_smile:

Let’s address each of them separately:

  1. Yes, according to our rules this is something possible. The complicated thing comes with the scoring, as our rule 4.6.8 states that to give ramp navigation points the robot needs to go from the bottom to the top horizontal tile or viceversa. This means that if we setup a ramp with a wall at either end, there won’t be any points granted. For the 2024 Eindhoven competition, do not expect to have a wall exactly below or above the ramps. We will modify the 2025 rules to accommodate this scenario better (either scoring points or preventing this from happening).

  2. The answer once again is yes. For the case where the incline of the ramp go in the same direction, this is allowed and something you can expect in the competition (please refer to this post as MASA did a great job illustrating this case: Rescue Maze : continuous ramp - RoboCupJunior Rescue / RoboCupJunior Rescue Maze - RoboCupJunior Forum). The case that we don’t cover in the rules and it will be worth clarifying is when you have a ramp next to each other going in opposite direction without a horizontal tile in between. Imagine something like this: \ /
    In that case, it is allowed within our existing ruleset, but again it creates conflicts with our scoring mechanism. Please do not expect one of this scenarios to be present in the 2024 Eindhoven competition. We will be clarifying the 2025 ruleset.

Thanks for the great questions!

Diego Garza Rodriguez
2024 Committee

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Hello @Dieguinilombrin ,

I remember that in last year’s competition (2023) a black tile was placed below the ramp. I wanted to know, considering the existence of a black tile that the robot should not enter, what score did you give to the ramp?