Participating in Onstage advance

I have a doubt about participating in Onstage advance league
According to the rules if team has one or more two ream members who have participated in two or more International leagues can have an open entry for the competition.
I have participated in Robocup Montreal in 2018 in Onstage Preliminary and in Robocup Asia-Pacific [Russia] in 2019 in Rescue Line Secondary competitions.
this year I have participated in rescue line and got qualified till the National level.We stood in the 7th position.
Our team got a really good idea for the league and that is the reason we are interested in participating in OnStage [Advance]. We want to share our creativity in the competition and we would also get a good exposure to robotics in the competition.
So,can I give an open entry for Onstage[advance] to participate in Robocup Boredaux 2020.

Thank you for your inquiry. You can participate in the RoboCupJunior International competition (not SuperRegional, like RCAP) only through your country’s (region’s) selection event. If your team is recommended by your country’s regional representative, most likely you have met the criteria to participate. So please check with your regional representative.