Maze Rules 2023: Rescue kit and blue tiles

Hello @Matej

thank you reply.
but I don’t understand your explanation.

I’ve seen in this article that a LOP occurs when exiting blue tiles.

Entering, wiggling around, then stopping will result in LoP.

Why does stopping on a blue tile cause a LOP?
A LOP occurs when the robot exits the blue tile, right?

and one more

I have another question for your answer

Only thing that matters is that robot stops before doing any sorts of adjustments (and exiting the tile of course).

If a robot that visits a blue tile rotates before stopping for 5 seconds, will a LOP occur?

for example
Do the following situations cause LOP?
1-1 Robot enters blue tile
1-2 The robot advances to the center of the blue tile
1-3 Robot stops for 5 seconds
1-4 Rotate the robot 90 degrees to the right
1-5 The robot advances to the next tile on the right
I think this is not LOP.

Do the following situations cause LOP?
2-1 Robot enters blue tile
2-2 The robot advances to the center of the blue tile
2-3 Rotate the robot 90 degrees to the right
2-4 Robot stops for 5 seconds
2-5 The robot advances to the next tile on the right
At what point do LOPs occur?

Best regards,