Mails from the forum not making it to GMail's inbox

Hello everyone,

I am not sure if it is just me, but the emails form this forum do not seem to make it to my inbox in GMail (this is most probably true for other services as well).

I tried to figure out what the problem may be, and it seems that the emails are marked as potential spam. I was looking around to see what may be causing this and it seems like SPF ( is not set on the domain (

Would it be possible to ask someone to look at this? The end-effect of the current situation for me is that I have to check the forum (or search from emails from the forum) regularly in order to be able to react to new messages in a timely manner. I believe the situation would have improved quite a bit if this issue got fixed.

Thank you very much!

Kind regards,

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I will have a look into it.

Thanks a ton @Nils, please do let me know if there is anything I can help with here.

Hi @Nils,

Any updates here? I am sadly still running into this problem and really do not know if the problem is on my end.

Thanks again!

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