Is RCJ Rescue Simulation 2022 online or onsite?

We qualified for Rescue Simulation 2022 (Erebus) and received a letter indicating “Your team information has been entered into the registration system. Below is the link to the registration site as well as the registration password/code. Online/virtual teams only need to pay the Junior Team fee, but the Junior Mentors and Junior Students should still register, so that they are properly recognized as part of RCJ 2022. Their registration will be free using the discount codes mentioned below.”
Does that mean that we will be having an online/virtual competition as last year? Or is on-site participation optional? Will there be any superteam challenge?

Rescue Simulation competition is fully online and there is no on-site participation option this year. The Rescue Committee is working on the logistics at this point that includes SuperTeam challenge.


will rcj soccer simulation also be online?

RCJ Soccer Simulation is NOT a competition but a challenge and it is fully online as well.