Interview guidelines for the rescue line and maze interview/Q&As

Below are the rough guidelines for the format and criteria for the line and maze interviews/Q&A sessions. We will provide a more detailed rubric/format, but we hope these would be a good first glance at how this section of the international competition will take place for the moment.

Rough guidelines for Line and Maze interviews and Q&A:


  • Pre-recorded demonstration videos of the robot (format will be announced in due course)
    • It is not expected for teams to have a “full” competition field. However, teams must prepare to demonstrate their robots in key scenarios presented in the rules.
  • Presentation and Q&A in front of a panel of interviewers
    • The presentation should focus on areas such as, your team, design decisions made, notable algorithms used, hardware and software innovations, and clever solutions.
    • Teams may be asked to demonstrate their robots during the Q&A if feasible.
  • Additional documentation
    • Teams may decide to present additional documentation to accompany the demonstration videos and presentation.
    • This can be in a website format and or written documentation (e.g.: Github readme)
    • Any additional documentation should be publicly available and designed/presented for others to learn from (e.g.: a copy/paste of your code will not be of any use)


Below are some high level points on what will be on the rubric. The demonstrations and presentation will be weighted more than the additional documentation.

  • Functionality of the robot:
    • Assessing how well the robot performs against the 2021 rules
    • Overall functionality (as opposed to the robot specialising in one particular task in the rules) is rewarded
  • Innovation, exploration, and creativity:
    • Use of new tools and technologies (both hardware and software), e.g.: use of 3D CAD to design the robot
    • Depth of exploration and experimentation to improve/investigate certain aspects of the challenge
    • Creative solutions and ideas to the challenges, which can be but not limited: mechanisms, algorithms, manufacturing techniques, team dynamics during the pandemic.
  • Presentation quality, communication, response to Q&A
    • Clarity of the slides, diagrams, and the speaker
    • Clear and convincing responses to the Q&A

2021 TC