How can I access old robocup junior soccer lightweight videos?

How can I access old robocup junior soccer lightweight videos? For example, until 2017 or 2016. I couldn’t find in youtube.

And Can I see old robots code on any site? I found some folders on Github but I think ıt is not enough

Hello and welcome to RoboCup Junior,

we don’t do official video recordings of RoboCup Junior tournaments. Many teams record their matches and some post them online though. I can find a fair amount of video using the search keywords “RoboCup Junior Soccer Lightweight” (, although you’re right in that it is nowhere near complete tournaments.
There is also a link list with a fair amount of stuff that teams have posted the last couple of years:

Best Regards,

Hi Ilkcan,
welcome to the Robocup Junior,
I am the coach of the BohleBots, one of the German Teams.
As we do our robots opensource, you can visit our webpage,
see videos and get information at the “Dokumente” section.
Most Information is in German, but you will see what we did anyway.
Our github repository is still under construction, but you can find some more stuff there as well:

Feel free to use whatever you want.