Please help spreading the word! This is a RoboCup Federation-funded project to study the impact that participation in RoboCupJunior competitions had on participating students. Many educational robotics competitions have run similar studies to measure the impacts that their events have on their participants. However, it is rare to study the participants after they left the competitions to study longitudinal impacts.
What you can help the project with is sharing the survey ( with Junior mentors and former participants in your region via direct email, SNS, etc. The wider you can reach better it is to get feedback from many former Junior participants!
Thank you for your help in advance! If you or your mentors/teams have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Warmly Amy
p.s. You or your kids could be former RoboCupJunior participants! If so, please fill out the survey (!
Amy Eguchi, Ph.D.
Associate Teaching Professor, Computer Science Education
Department of Education Studies, UC San Diego