Engineering Journal

Chair, me podría indicar en dónde se encuentra la plantilla de la Bitácora, para ver si coincide en estructura con la de usted.

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Hi luribe!

It would be great if you could ask your question in English again :slight_smile:


Hi Jenny,

She is asking for the engineering joirnal template.

The last that we have published and can be used for reference is on:

Roberto Bonilla
RoboCupJunior General Co-Chair

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Hola Luribe!

Me gusta español y quiero practicar escribirme! Pero sea mejor si todos entienden lo que escribimos aquí en el forum! :slight_smile:

Como Roberto ha explicado lo más reciente que tenemos es desde 2014:

Pero no es una plantilla official como tienes que usarlo. Solo es un ejemplo! Sí tienes otro, usarlo? Quizas tus era mejor?

Saludos desde Suecia!
// Fredrik Löfgren, TC y OC miembro 2016 / 2017


Hi Luribe,

Not sure if you are mentors, or students.

If you are mentors/teachers, I would like to share some of my experience with my students in terms of writing engineering journal in general. We all know that this is not just for competition, but for any general project as well. This is extremely important experience; e.g. applying for a patent for their ideas and invention, presenting their research work someday when they are in university study, etc.

Common questions students ask: “what will be best content to write?”

Often teachers will ask: “how do I make students realized that journal is valuable, not just a chore?” The issue is more students not seeing the value of journal, they will much less likely be willing to write it. It becomes a vicious cycle.

Two out of many main issues which cause students disliking to do engineering journal:

  1. do not like to write too much
  2. they do not see the value
  3. they see it just a chore, because they hardly look back to what they wrote

I extracted a small section out of our Instructor Handbook on Brief tips on Engineering Journal - to tackle these 3 issues.


It is time for another awesome world event in 2019. I received an email about documentation. So, i thought I would direct them to this site. I noticed that is no longer there. I have a copy that I had for my students to follow. Here is a template, hope others will find this useful.

Also, for RCJ World Evaluation, it should include include :

  • Bill of Materials