Dropping the rescue kit while blinking

Hello, is it possible to drop the rescue kit at the same time during the 5 seconds that the robot is blinking to identify the victim?

please refer to the rule 6.2.4. No points will be awarded for delivering a rescue kit to a victim that wasn’t successfully identified first.

Hello @Matej

your answer

please refer to the rule 6.2.4. No points will be awarded for delivering a rescue kit to a victim that wasn’t successfully identified first.

Does “rule 6.2.4” that you wrote mean “rule 4.6.4” in the 2024 rules?

best regards

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Thanks @MASA ,

You’re correct, the rule Matej refers to is rule 4.6.4 in the 2024 rules.

Diego Garza Rodriguez
2024 Committee

Hello @Dieguinilombrin

Thank you to answer.

There may be instances where the referee cannot determine at which point during the 5 seconds when the robot is stopped and its LED is blinking that the rescue kit was dropped.
For example, if the robot is designed to drop the rescue kit directly underneath itself, it would be difficult to tell exactly when the rescue kit was dropped.

4.6.3 The deployment point is determined by the location of the rescue kit when the robot moves entirely out of the 15 cm boundary of the victim.

As stated in Rule 4.6.3, isn’t the success of the rescue kit distribution determined by the location of the rescue kit when the robot has moved out of the 15 cm range from the victim? (I think it’s okay to drop the Rescue Kit any time during the 5 seconds the LED is blinking.)

What do you think?

best regards

Hello @MASA ,

I agree with your statement. If the robot deploys the rescue kit at any point while identifying the victim (while blinking), as long as the victim is properly identified and the robot moves out of the victim proximity after a successful identification, the rescue kit deployment points will be awarded :slight_smile:

What Matej wanted to communicate and prevent teams from doing is to initiate both processes (blinking and dropping the kit) and the robot moving away from the victim before the 5 blinking seconds are completed. If this happens for any reason (for example, robot sliding away from the area), no points will be awarded as the rescue kit wasn’t dropped before a successful victim identification.


Diego Garza Rodriguez
2024 Committee

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