Doubts about webots and erebus version

Hi id like know what is the rightly version to will use this year in the RCJ for the category rescue simulation, is the Webots r2023b with the Erebus-v24_0_0 or maybe will continue using the Webots r2023a with the Erebus-v23_0_5 thats because in the Rules competition 2024 you open the link to refer about the version of sotware in simulation used and redirect to this page Erebus wiki setup so id like clear my doubts.

Thank you !!

Hi @enzzo19

Good question!
Yes, we will use “Webots r2023b with the Erebus-v24_0_0 (or newer version if we find some bugs in this)” at Eindhoven.
We have updated the link in the wiki but still other paragraphs are outdated. If you are interested, we are recruiting some volunteers for that… :wink:


2024 Rescue Committee

Hi Ryo a pleasure !!

Thank you for the information and also to share the configuration for simulate enviroment in the latest topic, that is really important for us !!

I’m really interesting in help an be a volunteer for some task that you and committee need, if you like to send more info about that, i post my mail here waiting for your message:


Thank you @enzzo19 !!
I have asked our DEV to guide you :bowing_man:

If anyone else here is interested in this activity, please feel free to message me :wink: