First of all, we appreciate your significant contribution for RoboCup.
I have one question.
As you may know, Pixy2, camera device, was released as the second version of Pixy last year.
Unfortunately line tracking/following algorithms seems to be added from this version, not specifically designed for RoboCup junior Line.
Our concern is whether it infringe of the rule 2.2.2 or not.
Can we use this device on rescue line robot?
Team will make the original algorithm although
Thank you for your support in advance.
2.2.2 Teams are not permitted to use any commercially produced robot kits or sensors components that are specifically designed or marketed to complete any single major task of RoboCupJunior Rescue. Robots that do not comply will face immediate disqualification from the tournament. If there is any doubt, teams should consult the Technical Committee (TC) prior to the competition.
We are aware of the pixy2, and we would like to make it clear that we are very much for teams that are pushing the technology boundaries for the challenges and trying out new ideas and solutions.
So as far as I am concerned there wouldn’t be problems using the camera, if you can clearly show that the line following algorithm has been written by the team members. This shouldn’t be a problem.
However I also acknowledge that there is a fine line between own algorithm, modification, and copying. From my point of view, if you are taking something that is already made and modifying it in a certain way knowing the limitation and advantages, that is perfectly fine (but I’ll see what other TC members think and come back to you). At the end of the day every technology is build on top of something and the point at which we set the base line is completely arbitrary.
What we don’t want is when teams blindly use something, treating is as a blackbox; given that RCJ has education at its backbone, and I’m sure that’s not your intention.
Thank you for your response.
I totally agree with you.
We expect TC to allow teams to use pixy2 as camera devise under some condition.
We also know it is very hard for both, TC and teams, to clarify if the algorithm has been written by the team, although.
I am waiting a conclusion from TC on it.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Hi @Charlie,
I’m so sorry to costing a lot of times.
If a team wants to use the Pixy cam, they have to significantly modify its firmware, specifically they can not use the Pixy’s line tracking algortithm. The team has to prove their modification during the team interviews.