Call for Volunteers RCJE 2024 Hanover

Hi everybody,

the RCJE tournament in Hanover June 13th to 16th is (still) looking for more volunteers. I am one of them and I would love if you could join us despite the short notice. This year’s RCJE is - like the 2019 one - embedded in the IdeenExpo STEM exhibiton. Beds (2 to 4 volunteers per room) as well as food on site will be provided for you as well as access to the IdeenExpo exhibition including the concert on Saturday the 15th. Timeline is as follows:

  • Tue 11th of June: Arena and equipment setup, beds available starting today
  • Wed 12th of June: Team Setup day, referee trainings in the afternoon
  • Thu 13th: Opening Ceremony & first day of competition
  • Fri 14th: Second day of competition
  • Sat 15th: Third day of competition, concert in the evening
  • Sun 16th: Finals, Award ceremony
  • Mon 17th: Teardown (please get in touch if you can/want to stay for teardown)

If that fits your schedule: Awesome. Sign up here..

All the best and hope to see some of you there,

P.S.: The volunteer signup for RCJI Endhoven is also still open, we just don’t currently have beds available. If you have your own accommodation or want to be on the list in case hostel beds get freed up do details are here.


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