Black tiles regulation

Hi! I have a question about the type of the black tiles.

Is there any regulation about the black that has to be used in the competition?

For example, it will be reflective or mate?

In the tournament in our country we had trouble, because we were using IR sensors to detect the black, and they worked well in almost every type of black (reflective, like with tape or mate like using a paper o a painted cardboard), except with the black tile that they were using, the sensor didn’t detect any difference between black and white, but then in Eindhoven, the IR sensors worked with the black that was used.


Hi @Ruy !

Both options are possible, as the regulations only specify the color, not the material. It depends on the local organizers what material is used for the black tiles.
Therefore, it’s advisable to prepare your robot in a way that it can handle both reflective and matte surfaces.

2025 Committee

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