[Announcement] Rescue Simulation at Eindhoven 2024

We are pleased to announce the game execution details for Rescue Simulation at the upcoming World Championship 2024 at Eindhoven.

Software Version

In this year’s competition, we will use

  • Erebus v24.0.0 (minor version may be updated in later accoridng to the platform development situation)
  • Webots 2023.b

to organize the competition.
Please check the community website and platform wiki for more details.

Environment Setup

We will use following Webots OpenGL configurations same sa last year.
Ambient Occlusion: Low
Texture Quality: Low
Max Texture Filtering: 4
Shadow: Disabled
Anti-aliasing: Disabled

We will use the official world editor to create competition worlds, but we may manually edit the generated worlds to the extent that the rules allow us to provide more exciting worlds and increase competition.

You can use the Robot Customiser to customize(prepare) your robot but please keep in note that manually editing for robot file which is exported from the tool is not allowed as you know.

Game Execution Method

This year’s competition will be run on the Server-Client model, as was the case last year. This means that the game will be run on the Webots competition server prepared by the organizing committee, but your controller program will run on your laptop which you brought to the venue.

We provide a LAN cable with a common RJ-45 connector for the team. This will be connected to the team’s laptop to allow communication with the game server during the game. Teams should make sure that the laptop they plan to use is equipped with a LAN port and that it can be used without problems. If they are not equipped with a port, using a USB to LAN converter is a common option. If this is required, teams are responsible for providing and bringing their own.

The setup of the server-client model is a bit complex, so teams are expected to learn how to set it up in advance and be prepared for a smooth onboarding process at the venue. Documentation can be found here.

Best regards,

2024 Committee


Will these also be for the European Championships in Hannover?

I have edited the original post as we have finalized the details of how the game will be run. See the original post for details.