Hi Everyone,
Thank you for your patience, we have made significant progress with cleaning the 2v2 Rules this year, reducing the document length by almost 35%. However, we have only listed the changes that change game play or the rule definitions, not to clutter the change-log with the >700 line edits.
Lightweight & Open Gameplay Changes:
- New 2026 Soccer Ball announcement
- Removal of Open League weight limit
- 2025 Brazil International Competition Communications Module announcement
- Removed restriction on pressurized gas canisters
- Increased & Unified Kick Power limit (check each league)
- Removed limit of 2 years in Lightweight League at International Level
Changes Include:
- Changes from 2024 are in RED within the Rules
- Moving rules to locations that make more sense
- Adding the General RoboCup Rules, which are the same for all Leagues
- Making the Ball Specification & Field Specification sections dedicated documents, linked through the Rules
- Linking of International Marking / Scoring Rubrics in the main rules
- Reworking of awkward rule definitions & descriptions (better for translation hopefully)
- Whole new GitHub Co-Space integration to massively simplify rule editing (Thank you Marek)
- Removing duplication of rules
Entry League has seen updates as well, but mostly remains the same for formatting.
- Updated weight limits
- Additional motors added to Whitelist (We are always open to review more to add)
- Clause about not using any past 2v2 Robots in any Entry League games
The rules can be found via the links below or via the GitHub / Website.
There also have been major updates to the Website, so check those out as well!
RCJ Website
2025 Soccer Rules (Lightweight & Open)
Entry League Rules
William on behalf of the 2025 Committee