2025 Maximum Team Size

Hi, I would like to clarify the rules for team size for 2025 RCJ Soccer. In the draft rules it says:

Maximum team size is 4 members for RoboCupJunior Soccer.
10.1.2 This rule has been removed from 2025 onwards.

Just to be clear, this means that the team size is 4 members for 2025, and unlimited for 2026 and beyond? Also, regarding the maximum age of 19 years old as of July 1st, does this mean that 19-year-olds (as of July 1st) are also able to participate? Thank you!

While im not someone official this is how I read the rules:
At the end of the line “10.1.2 This rule has been removed from 2025 onwards.” is a small 8. Reading the footnote it says: “8 In previous version this said ”Soccer Lightweight team members can participate in the World Championship only twice. After their second participation, they need to move to Soccer Open.””.
So for me this seems that the previous rule (only two participations in LWL)is now removed.
The team size is also limited in 1.1.2: “Maximum Team Size: Soccer and Rescue Leagues: 4 members.”


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This is correct. The maximum Team size remains 4 although the place where it is specified may be moved from the soccer rules to the general rules.

As far as I know the idea is to increase the number of team members to 5 in the near future. So 5 friends can be a team and do not have to split into two teams where one “team” is just a couple.
But I do not know when this change will happen.

Not 2025 but it will be on the agenda for the 2026 general rules - subject to logistical constraints etc. of course.

I see, thanks for all your clarifications!