Hi all,
The draft rules for the 2025 RoboCupJunior Soccer Competition are here!
Please click here to see the live version.
Main changes of note:
- Removed the restriction on the number of times students can compete in Lightweight League (Previously 2 years at the World Championship)
- Introduction of a Communications Module for the World Championships ONLY starting in Brazil, 2025
- Updated & Unified the Kick Power Test procedure such that it is the same between leagues & (hopefully) easier to understand and perform. (Open League has a slight power increase, Lightweight has that same amount now)
- We have also reformatted & reorganised the rules, such that they are hopefully are easier to navigate
- Preliminary introduction for the new IR Soccer Ball coming 2026. Open-sourced, Golf-ball sized, rechargeable and otherwise very similar to the existing ball
Whilst they are still in Draft phase, there will be no game-play rule changes from here, only minor tweaks and spelling / formatting fixes. If you find any issues or have any questions & would like clarification, please ask in this forum thread.
William on behalf of the 2025 Soccer Committee