2025 Draft Rules Release

Hi all,

The draft rules for the 2025 RoboCupJunior Soccer Competition are here!

Please click here to see the live version.

Main changes of note:

  • Removed the restriction on the number of times students can compete in Lightweight League (Previously 2 years at the World Championship)
  • Introduction of a Communications Module for the World Championships ONLY starting in Brazil, 2025
  • Updated & Unified the Kick Power Test procedure such that it is the same between leagues & (hopefully) easier to understand and perform. (Open League has a slight power increase, Lightweight has that same amount now)
  • We have also reformatted & reorganised the rules, such that they are hopefully are easier to navigate
  • Preliminary introduction for the new IR Soccer Ball coming 2026. Open-sourced, Golf-ball sized, rechargeable and otherwise very similar to the existing ball

Whilst they are still in Draft phase, there will be no game-play rule changes from here, only minor tweaks and spelling / formatting fixes. If you find any issues or have any questions & would like clarification, please ask in this forum thread.

William on behalf of the 2025 Soccer Committee

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Dear sirs,

The following sentence was added to the draft version revised on November 27th,2024.

2025 C Technical Specification for passive Soccer Ball
3.2.C Coloration
While tournament organizers may supply matte balls to improve camera vision, teams must still be prepared to play with the balls supplied by tournament organizers.

Please add “Changes from the 2024 RoboCupJunior Soccer Rules” at the beginning of the sentence.

Best regards,

Misty K


this was added and highlighted in the 2023 rules although it may have been moved, it used to be 2.2.C.2.
See https://junior.robocup.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/2023_Soccer_Rules.pdf and Previous year’s rules – RoboCupJunior

Best Regards
David for the Soccer League Committee