2024 Rule Changes Public Discussion #soccer-rules-2024

Hello everyone,

we want to kick of discussion on proposed rule changes. We are currently considering the following changes, some suggested from the community and some ideas from the organization side. A draft PDF with these changes incorporated is in the making, we’re just currently overhauling the rules generation system a little bit as well.

As usual we are creating one discussion thread per proposed change, all tagged #soccer-rules-2024

  • Change ball response requirement from “direct forward movement” to “robot has to move a ball away when it is on the nearest neutral spot”. Discussion thread here
  • Removal of the 12V and 15V voltage limits as suggested in this thread
  • Allowing more kicker power in Light Weight League as well by using a similar testing method to Open League – if anyone has a LWL robot that has lots of kicker power some videos to look at what we might allow would be great, details in this discussion thread
  • SuperTeam Bye: SuperTeam games have low goal differences. To reflect that we are proposing a Bye to be 3:0 instead of 10:0. Discussion thread here
  • LWL weight limit increase is under consideration (more details below), discuss here
  • Allowing WiFi is something we have been pushing for and will continue to push for. A couple very good arguments have been made in this thread
  • For 2024 we’re going to put a note in the rules that magnetic field conditions are likely to be particularly bad again in Eindhoven as they were at RCJ 2013 in the same location. Teams are advised to be prepared for that.

Open Discussions that have not (yet) lead to concrete proposed changes in the rules:

  • A bunch of suggestions are in this thread which was inspired by this thread from last year. We are not making major changes to LWL for 2024, but are opening discussion all through the season for what to do for the 2025 season - we agree with the major points and want to develop the future concept with as much community feedback (especially mentors) as we can.

If you have any other suggestions to improve game play, fairness, ease of entry for new teams or any other aspect of the game please start a new thread, tag it #soccer-rules-2024 and I will edit this post to include it in this list.

We are also calling all regions that run Entry rule sets for feedback and suggestions for changes to the Entry rules. A discussion thread is open here. This needs to tie in with the changes coming to LWL in 2025 if LWL is to continue to be the first 2v2 league most teams enter.

We suggest following at least this thread and optionally any of the individual change threads with the little bell symbol to be updated with discussions and developments.

Best Regards
David for the Soccer League Committee


Hi everybody,

Pull Requests and corresponding PDF files with one change at a time are now on GitHub and links are added to each topic. The post above has also been revised and a couple points added.

Please also reach out to particularly any teachers and mentors and encourage them to get in touch. Their feedback is very important to us as without them very few teams can enter into RoboCup Soccer.


Hey everybody who is following this thread, we’re opening next weeks (Aug 30th) Soccer Committee meeting to the community. See Soccer Rules Open Meetings #soccer-rules-2024

We will post stuff talked about on the call back to the forum because we know not everybody will be able to make it to the meeting.

Hi everybody,

based on the discussions here on the forum and in the open meeting we can now share the draft version of the 2024 rules with you. No major changes to these are likely for the final version of the 2024 rules. You can find them here . CAUTION: Link will change for final version. The final version will also be linked on the website.

Please do give your feedback, especially if you spot a mistake but also for anything else you notice and any ideas you may have. We’re having dicussions about the 2025 and further rules in an open meeting today (see here) and will continue those on the forum throughout the season.

Best Regards
David for the RoboCupJunior Soccer League Committee

Dear David, RoboCupJunior Soccer Committee Chair

It has been two months since the presentation of the draft version.
I think it is time for the forum discussion to be settled, but please let us know when you will release the final version.
We need to release the rules with translations to the players by the end of the year, after the LOC has reviewed them for the local competition in spring 2024.
Since the national qualifying tournaments will start in the fall and end of the year, we have received many inquiries from players.
Can you please let us know the following schedule, even if it is ahead of the release of the final version?

  1. How much longer will it take to release the final version?
  2. Are there any changes or corrections from the draft version?

Best regards,

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Hi @MistyK,

Thank you for posting your question. From what I understand, the rules are currently being finalized in general, with the Soccer ones being very close to be ready for publication – perhaps as soon as later this week(end).

That said, all of the RoboCupJunior rules will be finalized by 1st of January 2024.

Hope this helps!