We had an issue using the 2022 rules in lightweight and 1vs1 open about the line
In Lightweight, the robot must not emit infrared light.
This is a clear statement, but it still was subject of many discussions.
As you cannot see IR light, you can only prove that a robot emits IR light by another robot that gets disturbed. Unfortunately some teams changed this clear statement to something like “you have to prove that your robot gets confused by our robot” and that moved the discussion from the inspection-desk to the field and caused discussions (sometimes even arguments) between teams.
So the easiest way would be to stick to this rule and disqualify the IR-Light emitting robot until the IR-light emitting devices are removed (and not called “switched of” by the team).
But on the other hand actual lidar sensors could replace ultrasonic sensors. They are better, cheaper and last longer. So I can understand the desire to use them.
But then we need a rule change.
It is possible to build a IR-detecting ring that can cope with getting IR-laser lights right into the sensor and we could say that good teams should know how to build a proper IR-ring.
But if we have the rule of “no IR at all” just the beginning teams should rely on this and should be fine with the most simple IR-ring possible.
If we want to allow IR-lidars we should make this clear and introduce a rule like “Teams have to be aware of IR-pollution on the field and have to build ball-detectors being capable of this”.
Both would be fine, but please clarify this in advance.
I do not want to see teams arguing with each other on the field instead of having an enjoyable and fair game.
So if we want to stick to the “no-IR” I would suggest the additional line “In Lightweight, the robot must not emit infrared light. IR-emitting devices (including IR-lidars) are not allowed on the robot, even if switched of”. This would bring the discussion about it back to inspection desk where it belongs.
Nevertheless these great lidar sensors should be recommended for 2vs2 open or any other league that does not use the IR-balls.
Best regards