2021 Announcement for International RoboCupJunior Rescue Competitions

A. Important notes for 2021 Rescue Competitions:

Dear RoboCuppers,

Following the announcement by the RoboCup Federation, all RCJ Rescue leagues will take place online at the international competition.

The rescue league will be hosting four sub-leagues: Rescue Line, Rescue Maze, Rescue Simulation (Former CoSpace), and Rescue NEW Simulation (Demonstration). Below is a rough idea of how each sub-league will be organised and run.

2021 Event High Level Overview:

Rescue Line and Maze:

  • Live presentations, interviews, and demonstration:

    • The main event for the 2021 competition will be through a live session to show off your robots on the progress, innovation, and quality against the 2021 rules.
    • Each team will have live presentations to a panel of interviewers followed by a Q&A session and a demonstration of your robot if feasible.
    • We aim this session to be not only between teams and interviewers but also for other teams to join in and interact.
    • Specific rubrics and guidelines will be released in due course.
  • Superteams:

    • One of the highlights of an international competition is a SuperTeam event where teams from different countries collaborate…
    • We will run SuperTeams with modifications to assess the performance of each pair to match the remote competition environment.
    • Specifics on the organisation will be released in due course.
  • Simulation*:

    • We invite ALL Rescue Line and Maze teams to partake in a simulation challenge.
    • This is optional and will not be part of the “scoring” of the Line/Maze competition.

This simulation challenge will be held in accordance with the 2021 rules for both the Line and the Maze as much as possible. That is to say, teams participating in the Line will be able to participate in the Line simulation, and teams participating in the Maze will be able to participate in the Rescue New Simulation (Demonstration) challenge.

*Certificates will not be issued from the RoboCup Federation but from the Rescue Committee for both simulation challenges.

  • For line teams: there is an option to participate in the Rescue Line Simulation Competition (More details will be announced no later than the end of March).
  • For maze teams: there is an option to participate in the Rescue NEW Simulation (Demonstration) league which is similar to the maze challenge.

Rescue Simulation (Former CoSpace):

  • The competition will be organised by the CoSpaceRobot team, similar to the competition at RCAP 2020.

Rescue NEW Simulation (Demonstration**):

  • Main challenge
    • Prior to the competition, teams will submit their code which will be run by judges on the competition environment.
    • The competition style will be similar to the demonstration competition which took place in October 2020.
  • SuperTeams:
    • An additional SuperTeam challenge is planned, where the simulation environment and/or rules are slightly modified.
  • Platform and rules:
    • The Erebus platform will be used in this competition
    • A new set of rules is currently being developed with the accompanying platform changes and documentation.
    • The draft rules are on the way to be released in the next few weeks.
    • Beta releases of the modified platform and documentation will take place towards the end of March.
    • For the time being, please refer HERE for the previous release and documentation.

**This is a demonstration competition, meaning certificates will not be issued from the RoboCup Federation but from the Rescue Committee.

On upcoming information:

Over the next few weeks, the Rescue TC and OC will be announcing information, updates, changes, etc. through our league mailing list and the RCJ Forum. Please post any questions on the forum for the TC and OC to review and provide answers. We aim to share relevant information with the community as they are decided and/or known. Despite the large limitations and difficulties of the recent months, we aim to continue to celebrate another year of exciting learning and make this RoboCupJunior season another rewarding experience.

B. Important links:

Signup for Rescue Newsletter

It is yet another abnormal year, and as a result we must adapt to these changes too. Please let us know of any questions, and we will try to answer them to the best of our knowledge.

All the best,

2021 TC



I would like to know if the members who will take part in the RoboCupJunior 2021 have to be the same ones who have already taken part in the countries’ qualifiers in the previous year? If the student is 19 or younger, but is alrealdy enrolled in a college, can he join RCJ 2021?

Thanks in advance for your help.

This is a question that you need to first ask your Regional Representative. Then, they can contact the RoboCupJunior exec for further assistance/approval.