Use of Huskylens to Detect Victims

Hi @Robosapien @Dennisma @PeterParker,

First of all sorry to keep you waiting.

So the biggest difference between find_blobs() function from OpenMV and huskylens.get() is the use of AI. find_blobs(), find_lines() and other other similiar functions use computer vision algorithms to output wanted objects, but still requires manual calibration for, i.e. thresholds, addiotional processing of the outputs and it still might not be 100% reliable, if not configured correctly.
On the other hand, huskylens uses machine learning and as mentioned by @Dennisma “Users can change various algorithms easily by pressing the function button.” Therefore you as a student are not required to do any programming to get a very reliable output.

The same goes for, for example color detection. I hope everyone can see that using a button on huskylens to “learn” a color is not the same as manually calibrating/analysing RGB/HSV or any other values gotten from a pixel.

So to summarize, use of OpenMV library is allowed, husklylens’ AI feature IS NOT. Hope this also clears things up for any other similiar devices.

2022 committee

P.S. please note that we are not against use of AI, quite the opposite. We definitely encourage teams to explore these exciting solutions and challenges, just as long as they can undestands how they work and are the ones coding them :slight_smile:

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