Hi @RoboGang,
First of all sorry for the late answer! About your concerns…
Rescue kit
Current iteration, with the option to have rescue kit lay in a random location in the field, I would argue is not realistic. If you are sending a robot on a rescue mission, you would equip it with a rescue kit beforehand. Therefore, thematically, only level 1 rescue kit fits, therefore we initially discussed making level 1 the only option for the rescue, which would also succeed in our plan to simplify the rules. However, level 1 rescue kit poses little challenge and offers no learning value, since you already have a incentive to build a some sort of carry-on compartment because of the victims, and for deployment you would only need to find the evac point and deploy the rescue kit, which is once again just a repeat of what you would do with the victims anyway. Thus, we concluded rescue kit to be unnecessary and just “another scoring element”. -
Tile-based scoring
It is actually quite simple. Essentially, regardless of number of hazards on a tile, the score obtained for passing such tile is always the same. This means you always gain 10 points for successfully traversing a tile, regardless if it has 1, 2, 3 or 100 gaps on itA tile with two gaps is worth the same amount of points as a tile with one gap. Same goes for speedbumps, intersections etc.
Hope this helps,
2023 committee